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Working @ Home


  • Ergonomic Home Office Set Up

  • Ergonomic Tips Webinar

  • Desk Do-overTM  @ Home





Happy. Healthy. Productive.

People Working @ Home.

Desk Do-OverTM

The Solution to Creating A Work Space You Enjoy! 

Have an Ergonomic Specialist take a look at your workspace to guide you on how to get rid of clutter, learn a proper ergo set up and finally create a  workspace that inspires. You will be surprised how a few changes make a huge difference in how you feel in your workspace.


Desk Do-over includes:

  • Comprehensive intake form to address your concerns and identify the key things you would like to change 

  • Online session with an Ergonomic Specialist to assess work space, posture and ergonomic risks 

  • Experience a reorganizing of your workspace with immediate results 

*A shorter version of the Home/Office Ergonomic Assessment.

Desk Do-Over: Before

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Home/Office Ergonomic



An easy transition from office to home office

With COVID-19 the common new reality for most people is working remotely from home. A few months ago working from home may have been a temporary situation and now its becoming a longterm probability. Do you have the proper set up? Desk, chair, computer, printer, phone...check! Does your work space support you? Or are you experiencing aches and pains in your back, neck, shoulders, eye strain...Maybe you've never had to set up a working space at home or you're finding your home office is just not meeting you needs. Let us help you. Here is what we do:

Creating an Optimal Workspace at Home:

  • Preliminary info: You fill out a comprehensive intake form so we understand your needs & goals for a Home Office Ergonomic Assessment.

  • Online Session: Your Ergonomic Specialist meets you online in a live video chat where they assess your workstation set up and offer on the spot recommendations.

  • The Report: We pull together all of our findings based on the preliminary intake form, remote assessment and ergonomic standards and create a detailed report. The report may include: listing ergonomic risks and reasons why, recommendations for changes to your workspace, what to purchase online or how to best use the furniture and supplies you have on hand. 

  • Set Up Anywhere: Learn useful ergonomic principles you can apply to any setting you find yourself working in. 

  • Follow up and support


Ergonomic Tips Webinar

Learn How To Set Up an Optimum Work Space @ Home (groups of 10 +)

Are you finding yourself working from home these days? Then lets get your workspace set up to suit your needs and take you out of the red zone of developing back pain, neck pain, wrist pain and even eye strain. Learn 5 important things to do to set up your workspace no matter where you are.










Ergonomic Tips Includes:

  • Online live interactive webinar with an Ergonomic Specialist for groups of 10 or more people (friends, family, colleagues) 

  • Live Q & A

Desk Do-Over: After

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Non Essentials Put Away!

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